ThinkUp App, the open source web application born from the non-profit
Expert Labs that lets you capture, store and analyze your activity across various social networking sites, has rebooted as a commercial entity. ThinkUp the company is headed up by Lifehacker founding editor
Gina Trapani and famed early blogger and entrepreneur
Anil Dash, who have been working together on Expert Labs
since 2009. Expert Labs, meanwhile, will be shutting down. As a company, ThinkUp says it aims to utilize the content it collects on existing corporate social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Foursquare to essentially subvert the closed ecosystem they've come to embody -- "using those connections to enable the creation of a new decentralized network behind the scenes." In effect, ThinkUp wants to use the weight of the existing closed social web against it. It's like using Judo against the powers that be to make the social web more open, and it sounds pretty awesome.
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