Regarding "'Domestic terrorist' kills 6 in Sikh temple" (Page A4, Monday), as a Muslim, I empathize with the victims who were deprived of their lives because of the way they looked. All immigrants and minorities need to understand that these attacks are always against the perceived "other," and no amount of mutual finger pointing will change the perception of a hater. First they were burning crosses on the lawns of people because their skin was dark, then they started building the wall of hatred against brown men across the border; now they are waging war against brown men with beards and towel heads. Regarding "Isle cuts seaweed cleaning on private beaches" (Page B2, Friday), good for Galveston deciding not to spend taxpayer money to clean up the now-private beach in front of private homes. Regarding "Panetta says U.S. strike on Iran an option" (Page A4, Thursday), Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the United States would have to consider military options to destroy Iran's nuclear program if Iran does not end it.
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